I'm standing at your door step.
You are in your shorts with the door half open.
I enter.
I ask " Do you want to carry on ?"
You say, "No, I was just watching a movie."
I'm standing here and wondering whether you understood the question.
I walk off quietly.
Away from your life.
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5 Problems Women Face in Their Weight Loss Journey
8 months ago
So much said in so few words.
But so sad.
love it, just love it. The way you write.
Sad... And you conveyed that sadness so well!
@Mr Balvinder Singh: thank you sir so much. its sad no doubt but break ups are never happy.
@quirky mon: thanks a lot. i'm glad you liked it so much.
@indian home maker: thank you IHM. like i said earlier the sadness has to be there. someone always ends up getting hurt. and more often than not the person who walks off gets hurt too. just speaking from personal experience.
I look forward to ur small stories in a few sentences only, but sometimes i wonder why these misunderstandings and partings..cant be there something to get them united?
Great narration and stark emotions packed in the piece.
Acknowledgment is so very essential in any relation.
Break ups have a lesson to be told ..... I think life moves on from there for better :)
Gunmeen, few words but it conveyed a huge decision.
You are really good at it. I love reading your 55-ers.
EEp. I'm speechless!
Good stuff :)
well done and cheers for the story ! never knew that break ups could happen in this little time :)
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