Pushed away by the rumors and lies, I didn't speak much to Sameer anymore. I had lost my best friend and the man I loved in a matter of weeks. So I did the only thing anyone could have done, I went on with my life; returning to the institute with my head hung low and my shattered heart locked safely in a mountain of ice.
In time men, liquor and dreams floated in and out of my existence. With each new passing romance I tried desperately to convince myself that I was in love. Each time, the bitter truth held in my heart floated to the murky surface. I was haunted by images of a familiar face blurred by the events of the past.
Over time we stopped talking all together. Sameer had gotten married, or so I heard and had no time for an old friend from high school. I was living my life, searching for the only true thing I had ever lost. Have you ever searched diligently for something when you didn't know what it was? I had worked so hard to tell everyone around me that I had never loved him that I actually fooled myself. What is it that they say about fooling a fool? My life was chaos, I had no direction, no purpose and I prayed for an end to this life.
Five years and several cities later, I found direction in a man who loved me, or at least thought he did. Yash was sweet, wonderful and kind. He was everything that I wanted in a man. We had a whirlwind romance and when he asked me to marry him I said, "yes." It made sense and I was supposed to be happy, these were happy times. So why was I still left with an empty feeling inside of me? There was something missing from this state of perfection, and I didn't know what it was.
I didn't want to know.
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5 Problems Women Face in Their Weight Loss Journey
8 months ago
whenever i am down, i ring back the golden words of tolstoy to my mind: If you want to be happy, be..wonderful mantra..
A touching story indeed...
Happy ending was always too wishful...
Many may disapprove of the ending but it was the most likely on in the scenario.
Liked it a lot... :-D
Well poised.
carrying a guilt for life..for no fault of yours can be killing..loved this one too.. the first one was better though..in content and in style.. :)
Hope You don't mind me saying that.. but hooked on to your blog for sure..:)
I like the ending with the touch of pain.
"So why was I still left with an empty feeling inside of me? There was something missing from this state of perfection, and I didn't know what it was. "
Sometimes even when everything works out fine in the end, there is always a missing feeling. I think our mind is always restless.
@to all: this is not the end. more to come. a third part will be foillowed soon. i'm surprized by how everybody assumed this was the end. no its not. there is a third part. please wait for the rest of the story to unfold.
Well, you are not planning to give it a twist like 'Love in the time of Cholera' are you?? :-D
I seriously thought it was the end.
Well, now you've got me curious... So bring on next part. :D
@aniket: well aniket i have not read the book. so i dont know what was the end like? can you enlighten me a little? so that i can avoid the same kind of twist.
In the book the man and woman love each other but the girls father makes her marry a rich guy and the man himself works to become rich and famous (pretty ordinary right?).
The girl is actually happy with her husband but like here still feels something is lacking.
And the man tries all sorts of relationships but is never satisfied and never marries.
In the end they both turn 7-/80 yrs of age and the girls husband dies. The man goes to his funeral and proposes the lady. She gets angry at first for the bad timing. But he wins her over again and they get married while being in their 80's. :-D
@aniket: well i'll try to keep them a little more younger than the protagonists of the book. what say????? LOL!!!!!
Please please make it a happy ending!!!
Sounds like a good idea.
And it may sound cliche by my pathetic synopsis.... but the book is pretty awesome. :-) :-)
When you have ample time at your hands... do read http://foolishnessofthings.blogspot.com/2008/11/lost-in-life.html
Would love to hear your comments on it. Its a simi-aut-biographical fiction story I wrote long time back. :-)
@ki: done.
@aniket: great. then we shall keep it that way. and i know its a good beak. i have been meaning to read it for quite some time.
@aniket: will surelo do. but is it your blog???
Yes it is.
I hope there's nothing wrong there is it?
@aniket: absolutely not. why should there be anything in it??/ just asked btw.
Yeah, was just teasing. Forgot to put smilies in the end. :-D :-D
hey....its going beautifully...do keep adding waiting eagerly...
in the meantime thought will share a college romance I had written about in three parts long back..go through if you feel the urge. am linking the first part here.
Suspense continues!!
I also felt this was the end, but I am glad it is not :)
By the way, although you already know it thought I must still must let you know officially,
You Have Been Tagged
Hi! A first timer to your blog...
Your First Part got me hooked and Part II has got me intrigued.
And yes...I think there HAD to be a PART III! Relieved that the author thinks so too.. ;)
@pinku: of course i will read it and leave comments too. i'm hopping over right now itself. thank you for loving this story by me.
@IHM: thanks a lot. i was so like yipppeee to see my name there. i will take this tag as soon as oi finish this story. and i promise to keep it at 15 only. LOL!!!!!
@SGD; thank you for stopping by the blog and commenting too. i'm so happy that you did not assume the story ended there. ohhh i'm so glad thank you so much.
Gunmeen, I really thought you ended it on a poignant note.
Let me check part 3.
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